
Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School

Our youngest children (ages 2-3) follow a specific curriculum tailored more towards them and learn about the “Little Bible Heroes” each week! This summer they will be taking adventures with the Heroes of Babylon, Ruth, the Faithful Servant, the Prodigal Son, John the Baptist and Elijah. The Children’s Sunday School (ages 4-5th grade) curriculum follows a theme and verse each month. The children have a variety of activities to help learn more about the theme. There are numerous activities offered at Friedberg for children-some taking place during the Sunday School hour and others happening at various times. These are led by our Children’s Ministry Director, Heidi Everhart, along with a great team of leaders who serve with her.

Youth Sunday School

The middle school and high school Sunday School classes are a part of the Friedberg Youth Ministry. There are many different events that take place throughout the summer and all are invited to participate in the ministry which is led by our Youth Director, Karen Hill.

Revival class

The Revival class is made up of young adults up to 30 years old who have more in common than just their age. The Revival class meets each Sunday morning and if there was one word to describe the class, it would be intent. Intent to learn, intent to be a community together, intent to show Jesus’ love to everyone with no limitations, and intent to be the future of the church.


The Pathways class describes itself as s a laid back, conversational class where everyone shares and speaks in a seminar format. They typically study books of the Bible or sections of Scripture but also do video studies and Bible studies on Christian books. They welcome all ages of adults.


The Disciples class is made up of people from all different ages and stages in their lives. They have members in their teens and as old as – well, older than we like to count! They also have couples, singles and complete families. This class often use lessons from authors such as Tony Evans, Max Lucado, Andy Stanley and Frances Chan. You can find them any Sunday morning enjoying coffee and fellowship. The class supports Hoof and Paw therapeutic riding center and remains flexible to assist with situations that arise in our church and community. They have also participated in the Backpack program for school children, assisted other Sunday School classes with their missions, and collected items for groups in need in our community. They have been blessed for several years to help Operation North State Box with their Christmas outreach specific to North Carolina veterans and soldiers stationed overseas or in the reserves.


The Covenant Class is made up of members from ages 50 to 70 plus years old. They enjoy good fellowship and caring about each other. They use the David C. Cook literature as our lesson study guide. They have an oyster stew in February, in the summer they have a hotdog supper and at Christmas they have heavy finger foods with games and fellowship. Their mission is to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and to help others that are in need of financial assistance or just an encouraging word.

Willing Workers

The Willing Workers class is an active class for all ages that participates in fellowship and study.  They begin every class with a song and prayer, recognize birthdays and anniversaries, and share prayer requests and praises with the group. They love to discuss the lessons with our teachers and use the David C. Cook curriculum as their lesson guide. They love to serve and are always looking for projects. The offering they collect during the Sunday School hour is recorded and donated throughout the year to worthy projects based on recommendations by class members.  They have 2 class dinners; a post-Christmas dinner in January and a June get together. They have started a Ladies Night Out with the class members and go to a restaurant for either lunch or dinner once a month. This helps them strengthen ties with each other and allows them to get to know one another better. They have a wonderful, loving, caring, class that loves to study and discuss God’s Word together.


The Discovery Class is made up of both couples and singles of all ages. Whether in your 30s or approaching 90, you are welcome to come, bring your Bible and grow along with them. For curriculum, class members vote on what book of the Bible they want to study. The format includes reading scripture, lecture and discussion. The Discovery Class hosts the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner before Easter and they have an annual class Christmas party in December. Throughout the year they help with various activities in the life of the church.


Fellowship class members range in age from 30- 65 and they have about 15-20 regular attendees. Their mission is to teach and share the word of Jesus. They sell chicken pies all year long, serve food at the Youth Bazaar every year and any other fund-raisers they can get involved in. They volunteer for Touching Davidson County with Love, sponsor community projects regularly including the backpack program at Griffith Elementary, and adopt families at Christmas and during the year as well. They love to help in the community as much as they can and work to raise the money for outreach and missions. They do some Bible studies and enjoy variety in the curriculum.

Contact us for more information.

Register for Vacation Bible School

Please fill out a seperate registration form for each child/adult who wishes to participate in Vacation Bible School.

Child/Youth/Adult Name

Parent's Name (Child/Youth Only)

Contact Information

Other Information

Contact the Website Administrator


