
Singstunde Worship Service

Posted March 9, 2023
As part of Friedberg’s 250th Anniversary Year of Celebrating, we will have a Singstunde Service on April 23rd during our 11:00 a.m. worship service. This will be a modern take on an old Moravian song service. This service of worship will consist almost entirely of music, sung and performed by different groups within the church.
This service will include special music from:
  • Friedberg’s Moravian Band
  • Adult Choir
  • FMC Youth
  • C.R.O.S.S. Kids
  • Cherub Choir
  • Willing Workers Sunday School Class
Each group has chosen a piece to sing or play and will share a scripture that reflects their song choice or represents their group as a whole. The congregation is invited to participate and join in singing as they feel led during the service. God’s message in this Sunday service will be heard in the scriptures and lyrics of songs. God will speak to us as we allow the melodies to touch our hearts.
Plan to join us for the Singstunde – an hour of song.

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Child/Youth/Adult Name

Parent's Name (Child/Youth Only)

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